What Is Aids-Why Aids Is Deadly: Aids is an incurable disease that causes approximately one million deaths in the world every year. The credit for searching AIDS disease test is attributed to French virologist Luc Montagnier and Dr. Goes to Robert Gallo. Aids happens with the transmission of HIV virus. AIDS disease affects the body's immune system. This reduces the ability of the body to prevent diseases. Scientists from all over the world are looking for AIDS cure, but no such drug or vaccine has been created so far that they do not completely cure AIDS or make AIDS.
HIV virus found in the blood, the capture of the CCR5 protein found on the surface of white blood cells, enters the cell. After which it starts spreading in the whole body. When a person is fully infected with HIV virus and its symptoms appear in the body then it is called AIDS.
White blood cells give our body the strength to fight diseases. When Hiv Virus starts reducing them, the person begins to suffer from many other diseases and the body becomes weak. The AIDS patient can not recover from this weakness and it dies.
CCR5-Delta32 gene mutation in the body, CCR5 protein is not found on the white blood cell surface. Because of this HIV virus can not enter the cell and becomes neutralized.
Such lucky people have met this CCR5-Delta32 gene mutation with both their parents. Even if this gene mutation has been received from any of the parents, the probability of having Aids is very less compared to the rest of the population.
Researchers have discovered that these gene mutations were probably born in the body of some humans for the first time around the 15th century. It is not yet known exactly where and why this gene mutation occurs, how and why it is getting this generation over generations.
⤿In 2008, a study in University of Manitoba found that some women sex workers in Kenya did not have AIDS, whereas for 3 years there were many people who had HIV virus in their body.⤾
one more thing ! With the help of such a lucky AIDS-resistant person, Timothy Ray Brown, who lives in Berlin, Germany, cured AIDS. Yes ! To date, Timothy Ray Brown is the only person in the world who has been cured even after having AIDS. Information about this in the next article.
AIDS disease is ineffective on these unique people.
But do you know that 1% of the world's population are also those who have no effect on HIV virus. This hidden mystery of nature has only been known a few years ago. In this post, know these wonderful information.What Is AIDS ? Why AIDS Is Deadly:
HIV virus found in the blood, the capture of the CCR5 protein found on the surface of white blood cells, enters the cell. After which it starts spreading in the whole body. When a person is fully infected with HIV virus and its symptoms appear in the body then it is called AIDS.
White blood cells give our body the strength to fight diseases. When Hiv Virus starts reducing them, the person begins to suffer from many other diseases and the body becomes weak. The AIDS patient can not recover from this weakness and it dies.
Scientists discovered this fact in 2005 that a genuine gene mutation called CCR5-Delta32 is found mainly in Northern Europe and some people of Africa, Asia, and Native American people. Such people are less than 1% of the world's total population. Today, if the world's population is 760 million, then approximately 5-6 million people are those who are AIDS-resistant.CCR5-Delta32 gene mutation in the body, CCR5 protein is not found on the white blood cell surface. Because of this HIV virus can not enter the cell and becomes neutralized.
Such lucky people have met this CCR5-Delta32 gene mutation with both their parents. Even if this gene mutation has been received from any of the parents, the probability of having Aids is very less compared to the rest of the population.
Researchers have discovered that these gene mutations were probably born in the body of some humans for the first time around the 15th century. It is not yet known exactly where and why this gene mutation occurs, how and why it is getting this generation over generations.
⤿In 2008, a study in University of Manitoba found that some women sex workers in Kenya did not have AIDS, whereas for 3 years there were many people who had HIV virus in their body.⤾
one more thing ! With the help of such a lucky AIDS-resistant person, Timothy Ray Brown, who lives in Berlin, Germany, cured AIDS. Yes ! To date, Timothy Ray Brown is the only person in the world who has been cured even after having AIDS. Information about this in the next article.
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